Yesterday my new Marcy Classic MCB-252 weightlifting bench combo with 120 pounds of weight arrived.
I spent the last 3 hours putting the thing together. I could have sped through the building process but if I am going to be having weights on this thing, I would rather spend some extra time making sure each nut and bolt is really tightened down.
Tomorrow I will give it a go.
The lower pegs are for storing the weights
This is for working on the legs and guess what??? It is put on upside down. Anyone out there have anything that they would like me to build and put together??? (insert the sounds of happy crickets chirping here)....I didn't think so nor do I blame you one bit.
The blue and black piece is a preachers curling bench attachment. This piece and the lat bar can be stored on a square peg that is built in to each side of the back portion of the frame
Here is the bench curl attachment except I have it in backwards. It should be turned around with the incline facing the other way...duh!!!!
Here is the lat pull down attachment in its stored position. All I have to do is pull out the pin that holds the bench curl attachment, pull out the bench curl piece and replace it with the lat bar and put the pin back in so that the lat bar will stay in place.
Here is a photo of the lat pull down system complete and in place
Now I will be able to increase my weightlifting routine both in weight and in types of exercises that I can do.
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