The Florida Adventure Continues

Here are some additional photos of our stay at the Gaylord Palms Resort:

They have various fountains at the resort but for some reason they did not come on this night. Would have made for a great photo had they all been running.

Here is a topiary vignette that was outside of one of the many restaurants that are in the huge atrium.

This ship was actually a restaurant and bar
Now what are the chances that Veronica would catch the identical exact fish that I caught.....
Well guess what...she did

Sand scooters

They had many various ponds and water features in the atrium area

Veronica outside a very expensive steak restaurant that was in the resort

Inside of this little shed was a small reptile exhibit with some snakes and baby alligators. More photos of the inside will be coming up

This was a window inside of the reptile house. I took one photo without flash and the next one with. Amazing how it looks so totally different from an artistic viewpoint

 Not only did Veronica catch the same fish as I did but she caught it twice. Man...what are the odds of that happening

Many more photos to follow

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