The Countdown Continues

Not much has been going on around here.
I have been doing my workout routine on a daily basis. Today I plan on giving my body a complete break from my walking and from my bicycle riding.
As of lately, the pain in my left foot is basically gone. It does not bother me at all when I am walking but if I message my foot, there still are some tender spots.
Now it seems that I am having some trouble with my right leg.
It is mainly around my upper leg and in the area of the hip joint. Sometimes the pain travels down to my right knee. It hurts when I walk, hurts when I lay on my right side, hurts when I lay on my stomach, hurts when I lay on my back...I guess you can say that it just plain hurts constantly.
I have a doctors appointment next Tuesday so I will get that checked out along with the results of some blood work and my official weigh in.
Hopefully I have continued to lose some weight and not hit that "wall" or plateau.
The countdown until our Baltic Capitals cruise is down to 41 days and a wake up.
Won't be long now until we are taking that big jet plane and flying over to the other side of the pond.

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