Saturday October 3rd and Sunday October 4th

Friday night we had to pre-pack the car because Saturday we had to get up early and head over to Newport, so that my Dad could make his dialysis appointment. The people at the center were nice enough to schedule my Dad early for his treatment. This worked out well because we had a 4 hour drive ahead of us as we made our way back home. It was still dark when we left our cabin for the final time, on Saturday morning. My Dad did not get out of his treatment until 12:30-1:00 in the afternoon. We mainly waited in the parking lot for my Dad to get finished with his dialysis treatment. Between that and the drive, it made for a long day. On Sunday morning, we got up early, stopped for breakfast and proceeded on our journey home. We got home at a decent hour...around 1:00 PM. After unpacking our suitcases, we relaxed and unwound a bit. With this our week long vacation was finished and now it is time to prepare for our next journey...Las Vegas. More to follow on that destination.

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