Photos From The Eiffel Tower

While in Vegas, we had the opportunity to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower in Vegas is nearly 50 stories high (reached by elevator) and the views at the observation deck come from being almost 460 feet in the air. Here are some views of the Eiffel Tower and from the observation deck.

This is a view from inside the Eiffel Tower building. They made it to look as if the building was built around the Eiffel Tower structure

I thought that these lamps looked really cool

Below are views from the observation deck...some 460 feet above the ground. I am scared of heights and as we were going up in the glass elevator, I almost did not get out at the top. After noticing the heavily enclosed struture and viewing area, I felt safe enough to venture out and get some good photographs.

This main road seemed to travel on forever and seemed to disappear into the desert and surrounding mountains.

1 comment:

  1. I think the views would have been more spectacular had you taken the pictures at night. Don't you think so?
