Trying To Be Healthy Sure Can Be Painful At Times

For the last several years, I have been an avid walker. I would go out in the morning and walk about 3 miles and then do 3 miles again in the afternoon. I enjoy doing this more so in the warmer months compared to the colder ones. I have to push myself out the door once the colder temperatures arrive here and I don't have quite the pep in my step during the Winter months. About 2 months ago I started to get a little pain in my left foot, during and especially after my walks. The pain was around the heal and arch. I decided to buy some new shoes to see if that was the problem. After buying 3 pairs of shoes and the pain getting worse as the days went by, I finally decided to go visit a Podiatrist to see what was going on. By the time that I had decided to be seen by a doctor, the pain in my left foot had gone from some nagging discomfort to full fledge pain, enough so that I had a hard time putting any weight on that foot later on each day. I also was forced to cut down on my walks to just the morning one. Even by cutting my walks in half, the pain was still there. Upon visiting a Podiatrist and getting an ultrasound test on my left foot, it was determined that I have Plantar fasciitis. Besides visiting my Podiatrist, I now have 2-3 Physical Therapy appointments a week to go to. Hopefully with the different things that they have me do and do to me, at Physical Therapy, in a couple of months my foot will start feeling better. Based on what I have been told and what I have read, it could take several months for my foot issue to clear up. I will be getting some custom made shoe inserts...orthotics, which I will wear in my shoes religiously, no matter what I might be doing. I have always loved walking around barefoot, indoors and out. My days of walking bare foot are over with at least for now, but not forever. My tootsies yearn for the day when they can run free again without being smothered and confined in shoes. feel the cool breeze drifting between my toes...the feel of the soft grass against the bottoms of my feet....I gotta stop...I'm making myself all weepy eyed. Something else I learned from this...sometimes trying to be healthy can sure be a pain and that pain isn't always in the backside either.

1 comment:

  1. Rick, I went through the exact thing about 2 years ago, I'm also a walker couple miles every a.m. In the meantime with the pain in the heel and doing different excercises the only thing that helped me was a shot. I forget what it was but it helped tremendously. Good luck.
