Getting Ready To Leave Soon

We are in the process of getting our bags packed and tying up some loose ends before departing for the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area. We will be leaving on Saturday after my Dad has finished his Saturday morning dialysis. We rented a nice cabin in the area. The weather looks like it will be least as far as I can tell from the long range forecast but we all know how precise those are. I will be taking our trusty camera, so I should be able to get some good photos of the area. We will leave here on Saturday, spend the night on the road and pull into the area on Sunday. My Dad has set up to have his dialysis 3 times while we are there. As of right now, we do not know exactly what days he will have his dialysis on. We were planning on going to Dollywood a couple of days but they are closed on Tuesday and Thursday. If my Dad has his dialysis on those days, we will be able to go to Dollywood but if he is scheduled to have dialysis on Monday, Wed and Friday, then Dollywood will be out of the picture. We should know for sure either today or tomorrow. Hopefully this trip will go smoother than our last one.

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