Traveling Surprise!!!!

I got a phone call today from Veronica, who was at work at the time. She told me that because of an important project that she and about 100 other workers had done, that her company was sending her to Vegas for a special training seminar in October. I thought to myself that she deserved it because she had been working so hard for the last several months. Later on I got another call from her, telling me that I was going to be able to go to Vegas with her. We will be staying at the Venetian . Since Veronica and I have never been to Vegas, we decided to spend an extra night there, so we will be there from Wed and returning Sunday. Veronica's employer is also paying for her ticket to a Cirque du Soleil show of her choice. She looked on line at the different shows that Cirque du Soleil has ongoing in Vegas. She has decided that she would like to see by Cirque du Soleil This works out really nicely. All we have to pay for is my food, airline ticket and the one extra night that we are there. I should be able to get some really nice photos in Vegas and who knows....I might even run into Elvis there or should I say numerous Elvises.


  1. That's just amazing!!!! Good for you two!

  2. I agree, Veronica deserves it ... cool that you get to go, too. I'd love to see Cirque de Soleil, but I gotta be honest -- I'd rather have a pap smear every day of the week for a month than go to Las Vegas ... a place I truly DETEST. This is not meant to colorize your enjoyment ... it's just not my thing at all, gambling, packed crowds everywhere, all the partying ... I don't know what it's called when you get weirded out (after a while)by crowds, but that's me.
