Traveling Plans

Veronica has been going through a complete store remodel, so her days have been extremely long and her nights extremely short. The job will be done in about 3 1/2 weeks. A couple of weeks after the job is done, we will go up to Canada for a week of relaxation and fishing. Veronica will really need that vacation break after all of the hours that she has put into the remodel. She has one week of vacation left after we go up to Canada. We have been tossing around ideas of things to do that would not cost an arm and a leg. We decided to go to the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg TN area. We had rented a cabin in the area before and had a real nice time. That was back in 2007. We decided that we would ask my parents if they wanted to go. There were a lot of things to consider before we asked them. My Dad is on dialysis so he would have to set up his treatments for our time there and then there is my Mother who likes to do nothing but shop. There is a lot of shopping areas in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg but we did not want to drive that whole way just so she could spend every ones time shopping. They are both getting on in age and this would most likely be the last opportunity for us to go anywhere with them. It has also become very evident that if we did not invite them, then they would not be going anywhere on their own. There were a lot of things to consider before we came to our final decision. After coming to the decision of inviting them, I went searching a for a cabin to rent. We would much rather rent a cabin with mountain views than get a hotel room in the city itself and having views of the traffic. I found us a nice 2 bedroom cabin that is far enough away from the busy tourist areas but close enough to get every where we want or need to go. My Dad has set up his dialysis to be done on the Saturday before we leave and then on Tuesday, Thursday and on the Saturday right before we head back home. We have also explained to my Mother that she would have a certain amount of time for her shopping. If we did not limit her, we would end up shopping everyday there and all day long....not our idea of a vacation at all. We will be going the last week in September, beginning of October. It should be interesting to see how this vacation goes, especially with our relationship as far as my Mother is concerned. Hopefully by the time we return, Veronica and I might have something really exciting to look forwards a move.


  1. Hi Rick, we are going to Gatlinburg on the last week of September as well :) My husband's family used to go there every summer since it is kid friendly and has many different things to do. We do go more often now that we have a toddler as well. I hope you guys can enjoy all the beauty and relax. This will be our first time going on the Fall. They said that it is amazing.

  2. Sounds like great vacationing! Nice you asked your parents. Hope you all enjoy.
