Sex and Snakes

I have not been writing much in the last few weeks. I spend most of my time outside in the Summer. I check in on this blog on a daily basis just to see if anyone has left me any comments. Of course with few blog entries come few comments. I have noticed something about my blog and about some of those from around the world that visit it. On the lower right hand side of my blog, you will see a "FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feed" widget. This widget shows me where people, who are visting my blog, arrived they got here, what entry they are looking at or interested in, how long they stayed at my blog or on a specific entry and some other general information. I have noticed that I get a lot of "hits" and views on 2 certain blog entries. One blog entry dated February 28, 2009 that has garnered much attention is titled .."Worlds Largest Snake Found Dead". I am kind of surprised that this entry would be one of two of the most popular blog entries that I have. I get visitors from around the world looking for this topic. I did not realize that dead snakes were that interesting. The popularity of the other blog entry does not really surprise me. It is called "Is KKK the new C Cup? I Sure Hope Not" As we have all heard...Sex Sells and it is amazing how 1 three letter world can bring in people from just about every country in the world, to one location. I bet you that if we wanted to try an experiment.....let's say we just make a blog entry that says Sex in the title and in the body of the entry, just type the word sex several times....kind of like Of course in the label or tags section of the entry just type in sex....see below. I bet if anyone would try this out, you would get many more people coming to view your blog or at least this particular blog entry. By writing this blog entry, the one you are reading, I will see if there is an increase in visitors to my blog. Let the experiment begin.


  1. I check your blog because I like your thinking and your posts. I can relate to it, sex or no sex. You might enjoy some of my recent posts. Please visit my blog when you can. I love comments too!

  2. Sex, maybe. Snakes? f'get it, no way, that topic would drive me away. [Ok, sex, definitely.] But mainly I'm checking up on you, true story.

  3. ok Rick, I'll be honest. Really, I thought that you were gonna say you were out in the garden and saw 2 snakes mating (having sex)? Being the nature lover that I am I was looking forward to your post about nature. Oh, what? doesn't sound true? lol!!!

  4. Sex & interests me, snakes don't.

    I am interested in the feedjit thingie and will look into THAT.

  5. The truth be known Rick, I saw the post and thought you were so far off the track of the Rick I have read off and on, I just had to see for myself.

    I was sure you had gotten bored and went off the deep end, or were so desperate for readers(oh ya) you needed to try whatever worked.

    I'm glad it was only a test, I could have been in real trouble.

    Love your posts, keep it up.

  6. Or maybe the fact that KKK is the acronym for the Ku Klux Klan and that is why you were drawing so many hits with it...
