To Veronica On Our 12th Aniversary

Today Veronica and I celebrate our 12th Anniversary. From the beginning...nights when we spent hours upon hours on the telephone getting to know each other.....the night under the street light where I asked her where she had been all my life....through the ups and downs of life's journey that we have taken together...the good times and the bad...through tough medical scares....travels and sights that we have shared....nit picking at each other....laughing with each other and at times at each other...through everything that we have experienced....the happiness that you have brought the renewal of our wedding vows while on our Alaskan cruise, I could not have picked a better friend, partner and wife. Thank you for the last 12 years and I am looking forwards to our future and all that we will share together as the hours, days, weeks, months and years go by. With all my respect, pride and love, now and in the future. Rick


  1. You are so sweet. interesting to me the proximity of your birthday and wedding dates. my husband and i married (the first time--another story)on Jan 10. he turned 25 on Jan 11. He has always told people he went to bed 24 & single and woke up 25 & married!

  2. Rick, although I already sent you Happy Anniversary greetings I just read your blog. I'll say no more except its a beautiful tribute to each other and I wish you both all the best. In these times its a rare thing so just hold on to it.
    Your friend, BJ

  3. Ahhh.....this is so lovely....Happy Anniversary, Rick and Veronica !!!!

  4. Okay you have me in tears now. I would do it all over again a million times. I love you with all my heart

  5. Congratulations, you guys ... should be something in the mail for you today!
