On The Floor Picnic And Caught In The Act

Now if you just read the title to this blog entry, you would think that I took a ride on the wild side over the weekend. I am sorry to disappoint but all is not what it appears to be. This weekend one of our local grocery stores was having a killer deal on frozen Snow Crab clusters. They were going for $2.99 a pound. Knowing a good deal when we see it, Veronica and I got several bags of the yummy morsels. 3 bags got put in the freezer and the other bag ended up being tonight's dinner. This bag had about 4 1/2 pounds of crab in it. We decided to to put a sheet on the floor in our living room and have an indoor picnic. Now I am not really familiar with the intricate talent needed to "properly" eat crab. So here was Veronica being all prim and proper, pulling out complete pieces of crab from various sized legs and knuckles and here I was with fork in hand and saliva dripping down the front of my shirt. It looked liked the 21st century human...Veronica vs. the Neanderthal man....me. I would shove the fork into the end of the leg piece and by moving the fork in a sideways motion, I was able to split the leg open and then using my finger, push the crab into a central location where I could squish it into a glob of crab and plop the glob into my mouth...all the while I had crab juice flying in all directions. I am very glad that we had thought about putting a sheet on the carpet before I went to battle with these crabs otherwise I would be steam cleaning the carpet after dinner. Before our dinner was complete, I had slowly moved into modern times and was actually able to remove some of the crab in whole pieces utilizing the 21st century method.
After dinner and the subsequent cleanup, I took the camera outside to see what I could find to photograph. Low and behold, I caught the flower munching varmint that has be clearing off all of the fresh growth from many of the flowers in our garden. With the amount that this critter has been decimating our gardens, I truly expected to see a 50 pound behemoth mega rabbit on steroids. Boy was I disappointed when I found this little itty bitty critter happily munching away, even while being caught red handed and not even stopping to give me a smile while being photographed. Now you are talking one bold rabbit without a care in the world....we are talking about some serious rabbit cajones. Yes Mr. Bunny...I am talking about you!!!!


  1. Yes, your title is misleading. Ont he other hand, your munching varmint is adorable.

  2. Good title. I'm into catchy blog titles. The picnic sounded wonderful and fun. And GREAT flower slide. Thank you. Tiffiny

  3. i hate you guys. true story. Crab legs are my favorite food, all time, true story, bar none, would be what I asked for as my last meal. WHO CARES HOW YA EAT 'EM, DUDE????????? butter dripping down your chin, pickin' shells outta your mouth, slippery cracking tools ...

    yea. i hate you guys.

  4. Looks like the same one that nibbled away all my watermelon seedlings.

    Great deal on the crab legs. Wonder if the food Lion will ever get something like that.

  5. That itty bitty bunny kind of looks like he needed a good meal. The sad thing is they will clean out your garden in nothing flat. To help maybe the little guy and your garden, bunny food from the bet store would help cut back on the destruction. Crab! Let us all know when those other bags are opened up and I would think you may have a few uninvited guests. Enjoy! Nothing better than really getting into the food you are eating.
