Macro Practice On New Camera Part2

I am really pleased with the following photos that I took using Veronica's new camera, utilizing the macro setting along with a macro lens. These are all of daylilies. Let me know what you think. Click on image to enlarge it.


  1. your photos are lovely. my husband enjoys taking these types of close ups of the flowers. it's a different view; one Georgia O'Keefe explored in painting. the colors are what get me, so blended and soft and amazing. looks like pollen on the stamen. where are the bees?

  2. These are fantastic. I can't remember if you mentioned what kind of camera you are using. I use a Nikon D60 and I love it. I will have to check and see if my camera will do the same type of photo's also. What great photo's.

  3. Rick,, I don't think anything beats a flower shot with a Macro setting. I used to do this all the time, Kind of with a painters eye and love it. Your photos are great.I know you are familiar with Flickr and they have some great macro shots of flowers, I've gotten permission from 3 different photographers for painting.

  4. ok, i hate to admit this, but way back in the day when my alter ego occasionally smoked that funny stuff? i'd watch candles burn down (you know, in those straw-covered wine bottles?) ... and I always 'saw' this kind of flowery image in the flames. GORGEOUS - but more so NOT under the influence of the funny stuff!

  5. What do I think! Really now. You already KNOW what folks will think.
    These are fantastic! AND you already know it. You are going to have so much fun with this new toy and by your blog I can see how much you enjoy your photography, and so do your guests. I am just beginning to understand my very simple little camera. On Springs Garden I took a close up of a very blurry, fuzzy caterpillar. Tiffiny

  6. ps: to last comment. These fantastic flower photos deserve their own slide show in your side bar. Then we could enjoy them on every visit. Tiffiny
