2 More Days And A Wake Up

Veronica and I have only 2 more days and a wake up until we get on the big bird and head to Seattle. The following morning we get on the big boat and head towards Alaska. We have everything packed up and ready to go. 1 large suitcase a piece(under 50 lbs.) and then a couple of carry-ons. The carry-ons(waterproof back packs) have our cameras and camcorder in them along with our Gore-Tex jackets. We will be all set for any weather that mother nature sends our way. I am sure that the temperatures will be a lot lower than what we are experiencing here. We will probably sleep on the ship with our balcony door open. Upon our return, I will journal entry our entire vacation along with uploading some great photos to share with you.


  1. gosh time FLEW! is everything in order? can't wait to hear all about it ... meanwhile, are you sure you're prepared for those downdrafts and updrafts and coriolis effects, Dude? (hey, you said those phrases excite you -- I'm just trying to help fan the flames of anticipation!!)

    HAVE A $%^$@^@#(*%#$% GREAT TIME!!!!

  2. I am so excited for you!! I really do hope that ya'll will have a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing all about it and getting to see the pictures too!

  3. enjoy your trip--look forward to reading and seeing all about your trip when you return--bon voyage!
