My Latest Artwork Is Now Finished

For a couple of years now I have had an idea for an art project that I wanted to create. About a year ago I painted a 2' x 3' picture frame to be used with my project. Most of my artistic creations are small in size but this one will be my first large sized creation. After holding off on the actual start of this project for various reason, the day has come for me put my thoughts and ideas in motion. I am making this artistic creation for Veronica and the theme will be of a place that she loves...Paris. After going to Home Depot and buying a 2' x 3' sanded piece of plywood I began working on my latest creation. Now almost a month later I am 99% finished. All that is left are a couple of small detailed items to complete the piece. Below are some photos showing my artwork as it progessed:

 Other than a few small items that I am still waiting on to come through the mail I am finished with my latest creation.
 So what is next...well maybe some travel and soon it will be time to plant some seeds in the house for transplanting in the Spring